PMG works closely with an association’s leadership to understand the needs of the professionals they serve to provide value-added benefits for their members or, in this case, board-certified pediatric dentists.
Managed by PMG since January 2016, the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry (ABPD) values a health professional’s commitment to lifelong learning and has developed a Renewal of Certification program to continuously validate each Diplomate’s knowledge, skills, and experience for delivering quality patient outcomes. For years ABPD awarded CE credits for successful completion of components within their annual renewal. However, this was without any formal CE accreditation recognition.
To help board-certified pediatric dentists, termed ABPD Diplomates, and strengthen ABPD’s CE program, the ABPD Board of Directors concluded that the ADA Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition (CCEPR) was the best way to secure formal accreditation for CE hours. CCEPR recognition is an exclusive, significant honor and difficult to achieve. Therefore, on behalf of ABPD, staff applied for and was granted Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP) provider status by the CCEPR effective November 2016.
As part of this recognition, CCEPR required that certain changes be made to ABPD’s CE program and processes. CE providers are evaluated in 14 aspects of the CE program quality defined in the ADA CERP Recognition Standards and Procedures. Out of the 14 standards and procedures, ABPD was asked to improve on seven (7) areas prior to reapplying for CE provider recognition. As a result, staff put together an action plan over a span of 12 months to improve ABPD’s CE Program to comply with the set standards. The action plan detailed tasks and deadlines to ensure staff was advancing the program with quality outcomes in a timely manner. In June 2018, ABPD reapplied and in October was awarded a 3-year term of recognition.
Working with organizations to further their mission is PMG’s specialty. We’re proud of our accomplishment for ABPD and constantly strive to enhance member services and benefits for all PMG clients for prosperity, sustainability, and relevancy.
This article was first posted here.