AMC Checklist
Transitioning to an Association Management Company (AMC)? Here's a list of things to think about and walk-through with your new AMC partner, from permanent files to financial documents and meetings information.
Permanent File Information
- Advertising rates
- Antitrust policy
- Articles of incorporation
- Awards schedule and records of past winners
- Backgrounder/fact sheet
- Board listing
- Bylaws
- Calendar of events
- Committees - description, members and charges
- Consultant contracts - legal and legislative
- Elections/nominations schedules and current terms
- Endorsed programs contracts and descriptions
- Hotel histories - room pick-ups and event costs
- Insurance
- IRS correspondence
- IRS Letter of Determination
- Legislation - historical
- Legislation - upcoming session
- Logos/graphics - on diskette from the current graphic designer in .WMF format
- Membership applications
- Membership benefits information
- Membership lists - current and prospective members on diskette in comma delimited format, with field descriptions
- Membership marketing materials
- Membership/leadership directory
- Minutes for all meetings
- National affiliation information
- News articles
- Newsletters
- Photographs
- Policies and procedures
- Potential advertisers/exhibitors/sponsors database - - current and prospective vendors/suppliers on diskette in comma delimited format, with field descriptions
- Press releases
- Strategic plan
- Tax returns - Federal
- Tax returns - State
- Trade press list - - on diskette in comma-delimited format, with field descriptions
Financial Information
- Listing of accounts payable
- Listing of accounts receivable
- Financial statement(s) for the last fiscal period
- General ledger back-up for the financial statement for last fiscal period
- Check register for operating account for last fiscal period
- Current financial statements for this fiscal period
- General ledger back-up for the financial statement for this fiscal period
- Check register for operating account for this fiscal period
- List of all checking accounts, identification and numbers, balances and signature authority
- Checkbooks and deposit records
- Archival information for the previous five years (as available)
- Copies of any audit, review or compilation reports performed by an independent certified public accountant.
Meetings Information
- Pre-registrations to date
- Program information
- Exhibitor/sponsor/advertiser information
- Press releases
- Marketing information
- Hotel contracts, including main hotel contract and any specific food, beverage or other specific obligation
- Outstanding invoices
- Letters and other correspondence